21 Days of Self-Care Rituals

Ready to discover JOY, MEANING and HOPE in every day life?

Ready to STOP apologizing for your needs?
Believe me … I’ve been there.
Putting my own needs silently to the bottom of my list.

You need something? Sure.

Need a bit of my time? Sure.

What about ME?

How can I stop trying to do 20 things at one time and focus on the ONE project that is worthy of a lifetime.

Because when you and I take time to nourish ourselves, take that bubble bath dammit!, and take a walk every day because it feels good, invest in bedding that feels amazing … because you’re worth it.

What about you?

What have you been keeping on your WANT list that belongs on your NON-negotiable NEEDS list?
If any of this is ringing true, then join me on this 21 Day journey to plant those seeds of Self-Care and saying YES to you and get YOU back on your calendar.

You can’t afford to NOT take care of yourself.

Have you said any of these lately?

“I wish I had more time for myself.”
“I’m so busy! I don’t have a moment to breathe.”
“I need more hours in the day.”
“I don’t have time for that.”
“I know I need to take better care of myself … but I don’t know where to start”
I spent years thinking if I just worked harder, pushed through the tears, believed others when they told me what I SHOULD be doing …that I would find success and peace.

I believed that you had to collapse at the end of a hard day in order to succeed.

I thought I had to be the BEST FRIEND to others, the BEST MOM to kiddo and BEST WIFE to hubby
the best coach to my clients … FIRST and foremost!

I was the BEST
, did everything I could to be there for others.
All while silently putting my own needs 2nd.

Not anymore.

Now… by putting my needs first … I’m teaching those around me to do the same. I’m teaching them how treat ME.

By putting ME first, I’m able to be my best … WITHOUT pleasing others first.

Repeat after me:
I am worthy
I am loved
I am supported
and I don’t have to apologize for my needs

I invite you to say yes to yourself and to this 21 day journey with an open heart and mind …
If you’re ready to try new things,
experience treating yourself well,
and watching as you begin to magnetize your dreams straight into your life, then let’s do this!

“I feel lighter and less guilty about spending time focussing on myself”
~ Katie Cassidy



With each new challenge, you will bloom! Your energy will rise!

You’ll gain abundant focus. How would you like to start each morning feeling lit-up with a clarity of purpose that carries you through each day? You’ll refine your goals, devote yourself to your dreams and go for the gold.

You’ll awaken your inner-goddess and let the gremlin know that she can take a backseat.

The real you is just waiting to come out.

Release that lit-up energy and passion. By building the daily habit of nurturing your body and soul, you’ll come alive, and uncover your true needs and desires in Life, Business & the Bedroom.

You’ll have more to give to those you love. When you feel stressed, overwhelmed and resentful … you’re not REALLY there for those you love anyway!

You’ve got people who depend upon you. If you don’t take care of yourself first, your ability to care for others diminishes.

When you give yourself permission to take care of yourself, your compassion overflows, because you’re getting what you need most. You learn to follow the little daily bits of bliss and start each day with pleasure.

When you’re lit up from the inside with confidence, joy and a nourished mind, body & spirit …
you’ll inspire joy in those around you.

“I have benefitted in so many ways. I have learned that I am worthy of pampering and self care. I have benefitted from learning that sacrificing my whole self to everyone else not only depletes me but also takes away what I am able to give to my loved ones and the world.”
~ Kaci Johnson


“I am inspired to be my best asset and more committed to the actions necessary to ensure that I am.”
~Heather Vaughn

Self-Care is your daily re-set button for your body, emotions, mind & spirit.
I’ve created the 21 days of Self-Care journey community to help you stay accountable and motivated.

How does it work?

Each day, for 21 days I’ll share simple daily practices and rituals that reconnect you to your inner-guidance and transform your days.

Starting on Day 1, You’ll Receive …

The Self-Care Contract 

I’ve found that a pillar of changing any habit is cultivating the ability to keep promises to yourself. I’ll help you start strong … and stay motivated with a community to support you AND a conscious promise that you’ll make to yourself.


Daily Motivational Emails
Each day you’ll receive an email bursting with the seeds of inspiration. In each email, you’ll find a Self-Care challenge to complete. Don’t worry. You’ve got this! Sure It’s a challenge but it’s not complicated. I believe I keeping it simple. You’ll be transformed, not overwhelmed.

Inspirational Quotes
You’ll be invited to step into each day with daily quotes that inspire you to follow your bliss and learn to dance with your fears and your inner gremlins.

You’ll receive videos from me throughout the journey where I share my secret sauce and ongoing tips to make Self-Care an integral part of your life.

Audio Meditations
Relax. You’ll have plenty of time to connect to your inner-wisdom. Thanks to the audio meditations that you’ll find sprinkled into the emails, you’ll stay calm and centered throughout this process.

Access to my Private & Growing Facebook Community
As soon as you sign up, you’ll become part of our community and start to play. Get ready for captivating discussions from like-minded women and a river of support and inspiration.


“I feel I have a better ability to control my gremlins and can
quickly interrupt negative self talk or habits.
And I feel more in control of actions that
I previously felt dominated me.”
~Connie O.

More Love for 21 Days of Self-Care

“I just wanted to say thank you to Elena… I just did my day 2 challenge by sending some love notes to 5 people… 2 of them promptly responded that they were having a hard day and the timing of my heartfelt words couldn’t have come at a better time… that left me in tears … and with the biggest gift of receiving the joy knowing that I brought a much needed cyber hug to them when they needed it the most…. thank you for that soul-touching gift Elena!”
~ Stephanie M.

“This was much more than a Self-Care challenge. It was a catalyst for transformation, and well delivered too.” ~ Lindsay Pera

“Elena is loving, wise, and non-judgemental. Her insights are a gift wrapped up in this course.”
~ Michelle Santo

“The return on the gift of giving loving words to those I admire was more soul/heart felt that I was expecting … this act of giving others with no expectation but receiving their gratitude for your honest words in a time when they needed was truly a life-changing experience and a ritual I will be implementing more regularly and with my own twist (like good old fashioned snail mail surprises) ~Thank you Elena! <3”

~Stephanie M.